Wrestling with poor CRM adoption and a jumbled Tech Stack? Navigating through Silos? Scattered Data? Want to implement automations and AI but don't know how?

Let us help you make the most of your CRM and streamline your operations!

Woman consultant standing on a boat navigating through recruitment operations

The Map

Let's pinpoint what's holding you back. It’s like a treasure map for business – we find the Xs that mark the spots.

The Journey

With People, Process, and Technology aboard, we set sail with solutions that fit just right for your business.

The Destination: Utopia

Your CRM becomes a central source of truth. With real-time insights, decisions are savvy, opportunities - limitless.

Visionary Recruitment Operations
Steering Recruitment Operations

Recruitment - CRM Challenges

Believe that poor data quality impacts their CRM usage
Sales teams find CRM integration with other tools challenging
Find it challenging to Standardise CRM Processes
Companies struggle with poor CRM adoption


Navigating the Future with Customer Insights

Your CRM should be your central and reliable source of truth but is that the case? Or does each team have its own tech & tools? Do clients and candidates repeat themselves, get frustrated with the hassle, leading to a poor experience and an alarming amount of waste — both in time and resources?


Meanwhile, you are expected to navigate a new world of integrations, automations and AI.


Let's Utopia This - A world where your CRM simplifies life, collaboration reigns, costs are down and data analysis becomes your enlightened ally. Your processes are clear and communicated and your CRM is being used, and teams are taking responsibility for the data outputs.

You have real time insights on your fingertips, and you no longer just meet the basic requirements of your customer; you understand them intimately.


At the heart of the next recruitment revolution is an alignment of sales, marketing, and customer service through your CRM, providing deep insights into customer experiences and services.


By uncovering hidden insights within every candidate and client interaction, identifying those crucial pain points as well as spotlighting potential opportunities, you can add value and grow.


So don't just stick to the same old ways, shake things up and lead the change.

A S.M.A.R.T Route to Utopia

Data Maturity | Defined Processes | Improved CRM Adoption | Enhanced Trust 








Our Expertise – Illuminating the Ways to Your Customer-Led Journey. 

We help you design and implement CRM systems after a comprehensive mapping of both your business and your customer engagement needs. From automations to dashboards, we think of every process in the candidate and client journey.

Optimise recruitment workflows by analysing data from customer interactions. This leads to streamlined processes that improve the candidate and client experience, resulting in quicker placements and sustainable growth through operational excellence.

By mapping your specific business processes and data requirements, we help automate and implement simple yet robust AI models tailored to your needs, ensuring efficient and effective solutions.

Future proof your business with a Customer 360 – Data Strategy. By unifying customer data from all touchpoints, we create comprehensive insights to personalise experiences, boost customer satisfaction, and drive actionable business decisions. This service is the foundation for successfully introducing AI to your business. 

This where we guide you in curating a customised talent repository, tailored to your company’s unique needs. Our expertise helps you interpret market dynamics and candidate profiles, ensuring you foster a recruitment strategy that’s both responsive and insightful. Furthermore, by leveraging your data with independent research, we use analytics to decode the dynamics of the talent market. We help you implement models that can interpret your candidate data, so you can anticipate shifts and drive recruitment strategies that align with the evolving expectations of both the candidate and your niche industries.

Your Guide to Utopia

Hi! I am Khyati Pal a.k.a Your Productive Pal (YPP) and your trusted guide to Recruitment Utopia!

I am OBSESSED with organisation growth, OBSESSED with simplifying workflows aligning sales, marketing, and customer service, and OBSESSED with CRMs. My hands-on experience in leading transformative projects in brand, marketing operations, and tech has sharpened my insight into the crucial need for customer-centric growth strategies because silos and chaos are often the results of misaligned objectives.

Why CRMs? – I believe CRMs, when used to their potential, can turn fragmented operations into cohesive, data-driven units through automations, AI models, and accessibility to real-time data.

Why Recruitment? – After working in different industries, multiple countries, and in roles spanning sales, operations, and marketing, I found my way into recruitment – an industry that doesn’t just fill jobs but transforms lives. With its immense power to shape futures and contribute meaningfully to both businesses and individuals, I believe recruitment is ripe for innovation and positive change.

So, my goal is simple: help you solve your unique pain points, identify your unique value, and grow your business through the right technology.

I believe:

  • Deep customer knowledge is the cornerstone of success.
  • Change is inevitable, so take control.
  • Keep learning, keep growing.
  • Be audacious and be kind
  • Have fun.

I’m committed to guiding each partner towards being the best for their customers—achieving Recruitment Utopia.

So let’s create your legacy of growth —moving from transactional practices to transformational outcomes.

Khyati Pal

Managing Director

Book a Free 30-minute Discovery Call

let's explore if we're the perfect match for your ambitions.


 We will start with a discovery call and diagnose your CRM.

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